Overhook in MMA & Wrestling

The overhook in wrestling, is also called ‘a wizzer’

An overhook is established by looping your arm over and around your opponent’s

It is often used as a counter to an ‘underhook’ – when an opponent’s arm loops under your arm pit.

In the image below, Anderson Silva has an overhook with his right arm, and Dan Henderson has an underhook with his left arm.

overhook mma

A ‘Tight’ overhook is usually the best type to adopt – wrapping the arm tightly, with your hand as high as possible.

The Overhook Used as a Counter to Underhook

Reaching and touching the opponent’s opposite hip, neutralises the underhook, this is often seen in MMA

Establishing 2 tight overhooks can be used to set up a suplex

One tight overhook, and wrist-control, is often used to set up an uchi-mata throw by leaning forwards & ‘donkey kicking your leg backwards’





Keep your head lower than your opponent’s whenever possible. Drive your head into his chin if required.

You can crank the elbow and shoulder of your opponent by moving the overhook down to the elbow.



If this standing armbar / crank doesn’t work (sometimes if your opponent is too tall you can’t get enough torque), you can follow with a takedown:



If you can break your opponent’s posture using the overhook, and make them lean forward, you can secure a headlock or guillotine.

To counter the ‘uchi mata type’ throw, lower your head under the opponent’s, reach your underhook so that you touch the far part of his/her hip/lower back, tap his near knee with your other hand

You can also side step and hook the leg, as shown below:


From Over/Under Clinch



As a Counter to Double Underhooks

It’s generally bad news if your opponent gets has hands around your waist.

To counter this, wrap your arms over his – i.e. establish 2 overhooks

Step Forwards with one foot

Step Around with the over foot


